unofficial blog for course ART004 (Viscardi)

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015



rThe assignment from this course that was really eye opening in my opinion was actually our very first assignment. We were tasked with having to build a sculpture in the snow. I remember after hearing about the assignment, I was initially apprehensive about it because it felt funny being a 20 year old and having to basically play in the snow like I did as a child. However, while doing the assignment it forced me to realize that thinking like a kid is actually really helpful when creating art because kids don’t think about the possible barriers or the final result, they just focus on having fun, and that’s what I did. I was really happy with the way my sculpture turned out and I also enjoyed making it at the same time. I realized that it’s so important to not be so critical of your work because that can actually affect the beauty of how it will turn out in the end. Overall, I was definitely challenged a few times throughout the course due to the fact that we had to complete it from home. I think being surrounded by your peers and professor is critical for a course like Art 004 but I also think this semester was a learning experience for me and taught me how to teach myself more. I also learned from this course to look at things differently with a new perspective because it can change the way you approach things which is really amazing. I will take what I have learned from this course and remember it and apply it to whatever I pursue in the future.

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